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Roofing Graphics (w/Custom Graphic Design) for Websites

What are Roofing Graphics?

Roofing graphics are visual aids for marketing materials such as print advertising, pamphlets, and your company website. Roofing companies need web-optimized images, photos, and graphics to display on their various online marketing platforms.

Graphic Design Services for Roofing Companies

With more than a decade’s worth of experience, Roofing Webmasters offers roofing graphic design services. Check out some graphic design examples for roofing companies:

Roofing Contractor Client Logo
Roofing Company Client Logo

How Can Roofers Benefit from Graphic Design?

Striking a balance between website optimization and visual appeal is a top challenge for modern web designers. After all, an attractive roofing website that fails to rank on search results is virtually useless.

But roofing companies must also understand that a well-optimized page with poor visuals has limitations.

Generating online traffic to your website becomes less valuable if it does not result in a positive user experience (UX). It can result in negative reviews and abandoned conversions, hurting your company’s Google ranking.

Roofing Webmasters offers graphic design services, which will merge SEO with visual appeal.

Our graphic design team focuses on:

  • Color: We match your website graphics with your company’s color scheme for ultimate appeal.
  • Shape: Our team perfects the body of your UX elements for optimal appeal and navigation.
  • Space: We create a visually pleasing space between text and graphics to make your page easier to follow.
  • Texture: We incorporate textures within UX elements that make your roofing site stand out.

Standard roofing SEO practices like keyword placement, image optimization, and link building can’t reach their full potential without accompanying design elements.

You can follow every content-based SEO technique to the letter, and if users are exiting your website because of poor design, none of it will matter.

Google reads high bounce rates as a negative mark on your roofing website. It doesn’t necessarily care why users don’t like it; it only cares that they don’t like it. 

How Graphic Design Influences Search Rankings

We detailed how users instruct Google where to rank websites by their on-site behavior. Visitors who leave a website based on flawed graphic design register with search engines as a bounce.

High bounce rates are a foremost consideration in bumping down search results, and your website can also fall victim.

In contrast, visually appealing graphics, combined with on-site optimization, keep users engaged and relay the resulting data to Google, which will bump up the search results.

Robust graphic design provides the following ranking benefits to roofers:

  • Lower Bounce Rates: Potential customers stay on your site longer, increasing conversions.
  • Navigation: Visually appealing navigation encourages clients to spend more time on your site, potentially generating more leads.
  • Better Engagement: Visual graphics throughout your site increase user interest and encourage client interactivity.
  • User Interface: UX elements promote user retention and longer bounce rates.

Balance is the key when merging effective roofing SEO with clean, efficient graphic web design. Yes, visual appeal keeps users engaged, which ultimately reflects well on your website, but it won’t matter how great the roofing site is if they never find it in the first place.

Graphics should never compromise SEO but rather work collaboratively to enhance it.

Engaging Website Visitors Through Graphics

For roofing websites specifically, the object is not to “Wow” visitors with over-the-top graphical elements but to provide an enjoyable and visually pleasing user experience that keeps the user engaged and delivers useful information.

As the top internet roofing marketing company on the web, we know what it takes to combine SEO and graphic design. Call our experts to learn more about how your roofing website’s design can boost traffic, get more leads, and contribute to higher ROI.

Graphic Design for Roofing Contractors

Website appeal is not the only consideration when designing graphics. Another aspect of your business affected by the visual presentation is brand development. Potential customers form an impression of your business based somewhat on its display.

Do you want consumers to perceive your brand as bland, uninspiring, engaging, and visually stimulating? Again, this isn’t a clothing company website, so we aren’t trying to win an art contest, but we are trying to brand your roofing company appealingly.

In a competitive industry like roofing, the devil is in the details. Most modern roofing websites have some form of on-page SEO present. However, most lack visual appeal and use stock templates that produce SEO elements that are cluttered, common, and uninteresting.

Using original, effectively optimized roofing graphic design throughout your site gives you an edge over your competition.

Free Graphic Design Consultation