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Roofing Website Design | 17 Best Websites of 2024

Roofing website design is the foundation of a successful digital marketing presence for local roofers.

That said, designing visually appealing roofing websites is easier said than done.

Still, those who achieve it yield the rewards of an enhanced reputation, and a stream of reliable roofing leads that can catapult your business into higher revenue.

As the founder of Roofing Webmasters, my agency has designed 1,000+ websites for contractors across the United States.

That’s why I can tell you what kind of website your company needs, the common traits of high-performing designs, and how much money you should invest in your website development.

With the right approach and the expertise of proven website designers, roofing companies can develop a website that serves as the ROI machine everyone dreams of.

Roofing Websites (Blog Cover)

17 Best Roofing Websites of 2024

I’ve seen over 50,000 roofing websites throughout my career in the digital marketing industry.

This first-hand experience gives me insights into which websites not only look good, but also perform well online.

Based on this expertise, here are my 17 best roofing websites of 2024:

1) Geisler Roofing

Some websites, like Geisler Roofing, separate themselves immediately from competitors. 

The black and white photos blend seamlessly with the site’s clean overall design. 

The backdrop photo, featuring the company’s signage, builds credibility without overexerting its prominence. 

The review widget within the site’s footer area showcases social proof for potential customers, inspiring them to take action in the adjacent contact form.

Roofing Website Rank #1

2) Force Field Roofing

Force Field Roofing shows users an innovative website that balances innovation with clarity. 

Some web designers fall into the trap of overcomplicating a website. 

In the roofing industry specifically, clarity and conciseness hold great value. 

Force Field Roofing wows users visually while simplifying navigation and making services accessible. 

The geometry of their service buttons is equally impressive and encourages users to browse the website more extensively.

Roofing Website Rank #2

3) Mpact Roofing

Mpact Roofing’s website immediately establishes a sense of calm and community. 

The Pflugerville-based company impresses visitors with clean design elements and simple navigation. 

Unique photos of ownership, family, and recent projects foster a sense of personalization for potential consumers. 

The site’s header features a statement on factory-backed warranties, which is effective because of its font, stylization, and placement.

Roofing Website Rank #3

4) Hometown Roofing

Hometown Roofing’s website blends simplicity with credibility. 

The site’s design features several badges and awards to create social proof for visitors.

The site also displays transparent contact forms and CTAs so potential customers can take swift and decisive action. 

The website does a great job of fostering comfort and converting it into action.

Roofing Website Rank #4

5) Roof Central

Roof Central made sure to display an immediate contact form so that visitors can take action quickly. 

The design features unique and original images of authentic roofing projects in the service area.

The site tactfully achieves its desired response by working on consumer psychology (which processes information from left to right). 

Roof Central’s site also features a “pay your invoice” button, providing existing customers with optimal convenience.

Roofing Website Rank #5

6) Roof Top Plus

A professional design makes a great first impression on your customers, and Roof Top Plus achieves the desired result. 

The website immediately appeals to viewers with a project photo background that effectively represents their Cape Coral, FL, service area.

Soon, the reader learns more about the company’s 30+ year history by scrolling down the homepage. 

A consistent color scheme exudes competence and works on the visitor’s psyche to build justifiable trust and comfort. 

Roofing Website Rank #6

7) Texas Cool Roofing

Most of the time, simplicity wins out for contractor websites. 

Texas Cool Roofing’s site demonstrates the power of simplicity combined with gracefully embedded photos and service menus. 

Remember, a website appeals to its customer base. 

In this company’s case, they aren’t trying to sell specific products but services that require trust and credibility. 

Their design strikes the perfect balance for lead generation.

Roofing Website Rank #7

8) Roof Authority

Roof Authority’s website design quickly creates a unique value proposition by highlighting its veteran-owned status.

The site’s design reflects its brand and company name (authority) by incorporating USA colors and embedding a high-quality video.

The company’s specific services are clearly outlined on the homepage, and each features an individual page that users can easily navigate.

The award badges on the homepage further drive home the company’s apparent authority in their service area, prompting visitors to take action based on confidence and rapport quickly.

Roofing Website Rank #8

9) Endurant Roof

This company requested a sleek and minimalist design, and our design team crafted the most SEO-friendly version of that design philosophy. 

Endurant Roof’s website represents a professional and committed local roofer in the Seattle–Tacoma–Bellevue metropolis.

Appealing calls to action and an inviting visual backdrop pleasantly urge visitors to contact the business. 

The user-friendly navigation bar allows prospects to browse for specific service types and additional informational content effortlessly.

The embedded 3rd-party review widget gives prospects confidence by sliding through verified customer reviews from trusted sources.

Roofing Website Rank #9

10) A Godsend Roofing

A creative headline in H1 form is a great way to draw visitors into your company’s marketing funnel.

That’s what A Godsend Roofing achieves through its comprehensive website design.

Its yellow-and-white color scheme perfectly complements its spiritual theme to appeal to prospects.

The company immediately builds credibility with its target audience by showcasing a local-specific award badge on its homepage.

Finally, the easily clickable CTAs make it simple for interested users to contact the business.

Roofing Website Rank #10

11) Bellator Roofing and Restoration

Bellator Roofing and Restoration highlights its status as a veteran-owned company to build a connection with its visitors.

The USA-themed Veteran-Owned Business badge builds credibility from the user’s first interaction.

From there, seamless contact forms make the prospect’s next step as effortless as possible.

Finally, the homepage showcases recent jobs in its service area to give future customers confidence that they can provide unique services tailor-made for their roofing needs.

Roofing Website Rank #11

12) Cinch Roofing

Cinch Roofing’s website represents the gold standard of local website design.

The overhead shot of a luxury home in their service area quickly draws visitors’ attention.

Users then scroll down to 100% unique images of the company’s truck and recent roofing projects.

Having already built intrigue with the visitor, Cinch Roofing lists its specific services and simple contact forms to schedule a service.

Roofing Website Rank #12

13) Dalco Contractors & Roofing

The Dalco Contractors & Roofing website is a masterclass in social proof.

The design starts with a mission statement, a BBB badge, rating, and an informative video.

Once users are warmed up to the company, they are further impressed when scrolling down to see specific awards and badges from various credible institutions.

This website even features an image of the company’s roofing license to solidify credibility with its target audience.

Roofing Website Rank #13

14) Legacy Roofing of Kansas

Legacy Roofing of Kansas’s website does a great job of showcasing a minimalist design.

Less is often more regarding website design for roofing companies in the modern era.

Users want to see clean visuals and sleek navigation to take action quickly.

This particular site achieves these goals effortlessly to drive conversions for their roofing business.

Roofing Website Rank #14

15) Nelson Roofing

The Nelson Roofing website design team clearly understands the importance of seasonal marketing for roofers.

The summer savings banner immediately presents a unique value proposition to local prospects.

Banners like these often drive conversions when compared to generic template websites with basic text.

Aside from the well-crafted value proposition, Nelson Roofing’s website also features an embedded review widget, showcasing testimonials from verified sources.

Roofing Website Rank #15

16) Premier Roofing Systems

The Premier Roofing Systems website shows how a design contributes to service specialization.

Since their company specializes in commercial roofing and roof coatings, the design elements highlight these seamlessly.

Visitors see images of commercial-specific jobs, including coatings that foster confidence in this specialty category.

The clean navigation makes it easy for prospects to click through to specific service pages for acrylic, elastomeric, and silicone coatings.

Roofing Website Rank #16

17) Simple Exteriors

Simple Exteriors does a great job of reflecting its company name and brand in its design.

The simplistic and minimalist design reflects the company’s values and intrigues visitors.

As I noted with other sites on my “best websites” list, roofing consumers enjoy simplicity.

The contact forms and CTAs are well-crafted and urge visitors to take decisive action.

Finally, a list of product and brand logos builds industry-based credibility in a competitive market.

Roofing Website Rank #17

Roofing Website Design Principles

Successful websites share common traits, which include:

Visual Appeal: Unique and original images with a clean design

Mobile Experience: A user-friendly experience on smartphones

User Experience: User-friendly navigation, calls-to-action, and site speed.

Credibility: EEAT, Proof of work, award badges, and verified reviews

Content Quality: Informative pages written for people and not search engines

Branding: Clear signals of the company’s brand, including its logo and images

Recent Projects: Images and descriptions of recent roofing jobs

Contact Methods: Easy ways to contact the business through user-friendly CTAs and listed NAP

Search Engine Optimization: Proper use of keywords, title tags, and headers on the website

Below, I will go into more detail about each aspect of website design.

Visual Appeal

Your roofing website must foster a positive aesthetic that appeals to its visitors.

You’ll want to cater to your target audience, primarily homeowners in your area.

With this in mind, consider which visuals best appeal to that core group.

You can even use survey feedback to understand better which visual components your target audience prefers.

Some visual components are universally appealing, such as clean fonts like Lato and high-quality image files that depict your staff and equipment rather than stock photos.

Embedding videos of your team and services can also appeal to a broad audience.

Website Visual Appeal

Mobile Experience

Nearly 61% of website traffic comes from mobile devices.

Considering these statistics, a positive mobile experience is essential to website design for roofing companies.

Mobile visitors must be able to easily navigate your website via their smartphones and take action, such as making a phone call or submitting a form.

The cliche statistic to cite is that failing to optimize a website design for mobile can cost you more than half of your customers.

However, the reality is more grim, as Google has stopped crawling desktop sites completely, meaning websites that don’t load properly on mobile will be fully de-indexed from search.

Failure to present a usable mobile website will cost you 100% of your online roofing leads.

Website Mobile UX

User Experience

All website visitors look for a positive user experience, regardless of their device.

They want to see clear calls to action and quickly navigate to other parts of the website.

Another essential UX element is site speed, which you can test at Google Pagespeed Insights.

Sites that load over 3 seconds will lose over half their visitors.

Additionally, site speed is a search ranking factor, meaning slow loading times can demote your site on search results.

Website User Experience


Although E-E-A-T is not considered an official ranking factor, it is the name of guidelines used by search quality raters to instruct algorithmic updates.

In other words, the algorithm learns to demote sites deemed non-credible by graders.

Establishing credibility in Google’s eyes comes down to their chosen acronym of E-E-A-T.

Experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness might seem vague to roofers, but they are easier to implement than they appear.

For example, showcasing badges from your various honors and awards and embedding a 3rd-party Google reviews widget is a way to establish credibility.

Another method to earn trust is to showcase recent roofing jobs directly on your website.

Website Credibility

Content Quality

Roofers have been misled by marketers with the phrase “content is king.”

A website design’s impact is largely dictated by content quality, not frequency.

Recent algorithm updates, like the Helpful Content Update and March 2024 Core Update, have demoted websites that mass-produce content for search engines rather than humans.

As a roofing company, publishing hundreds or thousands of blog posts is unsuitable for visitors.

They want information about your business and how to book a roofing service, not “3 ways to prepare your roof for winter.”

The most user-friendly and high-ranking websites don’t publish unhelpful content and maintain the highest quality pages.

Quality Web Content


I stress the importance of building a brand for all my roofing clients.

We know Google’s algorithms are designed to promote brands, first and foremost.

Considering this, branding should be integrated into your website design through logos, color schemes, images, and videos.

It’s vital that visitors immediately understand whose website they are on.

Digital branded signaling on your website is also crucial for SEO purposes.

Your logo, company name, and address should match your Google Business Profile, Facebook Business Page, and other citations on established digital platforms.

Website Branding

Recent Projects

The best roofing websites feature proof of recent projects to help build a rapport with visitors.

I built a software tool called DataPins that automatically consolidates job data, such as pictures, descriptions, geo-coordinates, and mini-maps, onto roofing websites.

Now, visitors in various cities throughout your service area can view projects in their location.

Similarly, consumers looking for a particular type of roofing service, like tile or metal, can view jobs that include those materials.

Showcasing recent projects helps with both conversions and search engine optimization.

Most of all, proof of authentic roofing jobs contributes to the quality of a website design.

Website Recent Projects

Contact Methods

All your investment in a roofing website will be rendered useless without clear contact methods.

Your website must feature appealing calls to action for clickable phone numbers and contact forms.

You should also clearly showcase your business address in the footer of your website design.

You maximize your lead stream by giving potential customers multiple ways to contact your business.

Another thing to consider is an on-site opt-in, where users can submit their email address in exchange for a free PDF or other download.

I cannot stress enough the importance of capturing as many leads as possible on your website.

Website Contact Methods

Search Engine Optimization

I am hesitant to include search engine optimization in my design principles because, when misused, it can harm your website.

However, the best roofing websites share a commonality of well-implemented optimization strategies.

In 2024, optimization is not about tricking search engines into ranking your site but rather providing signals that make your site (and company) worthy of ranking.

Legitimate content based on your experience and photos of recent jobs are the best ways to optimize your site.

Yes, you still need to perform SEO basics like keywords in title tags and H1s, but most of the work is to demonstrate authenticity and credibility.

Website Search Optimization

Website Design Ideas to Stand Out From Competitors

Even if you follow best design practices to a tee, your most competent competitors are likely doing the same.

With this in mind, you must go above and beyond to stand out from competitors in your service area.

Having worked with thousands of professional roofing companies over the past 11+ years, I recommend the following design ideas to differentiate your website from others.

Unique Value Propisition

Roofing website content can be mundane even when written well.

That’s why presenting a unique value proposition provides a unique hook.

For example, a free roofing estimate with an attached form can capture leads quickly.

You can also highlight principles differentiating your business, such as being veteran-owned.

The more you can connect with specific portions of your consumer base, the better your site will perform.

Focus on People-First Content

Think about your target customer’s pain points and implement those into your H2s and H3s, along with the proper keywords based on research.

Avoid boasting about your company’s success or acumen with headers like Why We Are The Best Roofing Company.

Instead, present your homepage as a guide for your target customer.

Google recently cracked down on content made for search engines and strongly encourages businesses to create content for their target audiences.

Following these guidelines will improve both your rankings and conversions.

Break up Text Blocks

The last thing website visitors want is large blocks of text.

Many visitors don’t even want to read your content but scan it for key points.

So, make sure you break up your text with bullet points, images, graphics, and contact forms.

Keep enough space between words to boost readability and encourage users to contact your company.

Ensure your site is visually appealing on all device types, which can be achieved through responsive website design.

Shorten Form Fields

Roofing consumers don’t want their website experience to feel like a trip to the doctor’s office.

Limit the number of fields in your contact forms based on this preference.

For example, estimate forms may need about five fields total, but simple contact forms only need three.

The less information you ask for, the more leads you will generate.

Most contact form plugins also have spam filters to hide spam entries from your inbox.

Lazy Load Images

Speeding up your website can take a series of tweaks, but lazy image loading is one of the most effective.

You can use a plugin like WPRocket to automate the lazy loading of photos.

This method holds the entire image load until users consume it.

As a result, users will notice faster loading times and a better experience.

The long-term impact of site speed upgrades directly correlates with website performance.

Showcase Badges and Awards

List your awards, badges, and certifications on the homepage, as they help establish credibility and increase conversion rates.

Be sure to properly implement these graphics, as misuse can result in poor website design.

Understanding proper spacing can help place them ideally.

If your company is newer to the industry and has not yet received any awards, consider joining local communities like your Chamber of Commerce, which can provide you with a website badge.

Awards and Badges on Roofing Website

Display a Prominent Featured Image

Your homepage photo should feature the company owner along with a roofing project.

The featured image establishes immediate credibility and encourages users to take action throughout the rest of the website.

This featured image is often the deciding factor on whether a visitor will stay on your website.

Featured images should come from your library, not stock or AI-generated photos.

Website Featured Image

Use a Social Proof Software or Plugin

Tools like DataPins and NearbyNow are tools and apps that allow contractors to publish pins each time they complete a roofing job.

The context of the job, such as its location, service type, and equipment, can all be translated via pin onto your corresponding web pages.

Websites with social proof increase impressions by 25x compared to an average site.

Social proof also helps as you add new services, products, or materials to your repertoire, as you can showcase them on your website and rank for more keyword terms.

Other Roofing Website Factors

Having spoken with thousands of roofing companies over my career, I’ve been asked questions about various website factors.

For example, roofers often ask me if a website template suits their company design.

Below, I’ll detail website factors, a common conversational topic in the roofing industry.

Website Templates

Purchasing a website template for WordPress or another content management system is common in roofing.

Similarly, some marketing companies use website templates and resell them as part of their digital marketing services to local roofers.

While nothing inherently prevents a template website from indexing on search results, its lack of unique HTML and CSS code may hinder its ranking potential.

More importantly, consumers often consciously or subconsciously detect template designs, resulting in lower conversion rates.

Website Builders

Platforms like Wix, Weebly, and Duda provide code-free website builders to roofers and other business owners.

These differ from pre-made templates in that users can manually customize their designs.

Small businesses can benefit from website builders’ ease and cost-effectiveness, but like templates, they can limit rankings and conversions.

Whether or not a website builder is right for your roofing business depends on your budget and marketing goals.

AI-Generated Websites

More services now offer AI website generation for roofing companies and other businesses.

While the technology is impressive, it also presents potential copyright concerns, among other risks.

I recommend that any code or graphic generated through AI go through an editing process by a professional web designer.

As for website content generated through AI tools like ChatGPT, your content creation process must adhere to Google’s guidelines.

Mass-producing website content through AI clearly violates Google’s Helpful Content Update.

Crawling and Indexing

Websites that aren’t crawled and indexed by Google are a waste of money for roofing contractors.

It’s critical that your design does not block crawler bots from search engines like Google and Bing, which can happen accidentally with inexperienced designers.

Additionally, you should always include an XML sitemap in the footer of your website to encourage crawling.

Another way to boost crawl efficiency is to create internal links from one page to another.

For example, your roof repair page can link internally to your roof replacement page.

Make sure to register your site on Google Search Console to be alerted of crawling and indexing errors.

Domain Authority

Your website’s authority will influence its overall impact on lead generation and conversions.

One way to build authority is through backlinks.

If you partner with other legitimate businesses like material suppliers, ask them to link back to your website.

Follow the same advice for other businesses you network with, such as local restaurants or sports teams.

While link building can be done legitimately, it’s important not to engage in “black-hat” link building practices like buying links or mass producing “guest posts” for the sole purpose of building a link.

If you choose to engage in nefarious link schemes, Google can devalue certain links or levy a manual penalty to remove your entire website from its index.

Final Thoughts on Roofing Website Design

As the owner of a long-time digital marketing agency for roofers, my team and I have been crafting unique website designs for 11+ years.

Over that span, we’ve accumulated immense data to refine our website design process.

My experience and data give me unique insights into the traits shared by the most successful websites in the roofing industry.

Visual appeal, user experience, branding, and contact methods are some of these qualities outlined throughout this article.

While I outlined specific ways to implement these into your website design, I also understand that roofing companies are constrained by time and lack of design expertise.

I invite you to call my personal cell phone at (800) 353-5758 to discuss how my team can craft the best roofing website design for your company in 2024.

Nolen Walker

Author: Nolen Walker

Nolen Walker is the founder of Roofing Webmasters, assisting roofers with website design for 15+ years. Nolen is also the creator of DataPins™ and author of A Complete SEO Guide for the Roofing Small Business Owner. In addition, Nolen hosts The Roofing SEO Podcast on Spotify.

Posted: | Updated: Jun 12, 2024 | Categories: web design |