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Are You a Roofing Company or Contractor? (Podcast Episode)

Deciding whether to be a company or contractor will determine your level of success in the industry. Contractors work the gig economy, going job to job to meet ends. But conversely, companies prosper, expand, and enjoy sustainable success for decades or more.

In today’s Roofing SEO Podcast, Nolen and Jason discuss the differences between roofing companies and roofing contractors. Sometimes roofers mistakenly believe they can’t be a company because of their current status, which is not valid. Any roofer can become a company with the proper resources.

Differences Between Roofing Companies and Contractors

A roofing company invests in its brand, marketing campaign, and long-term perception. Unfortunately, contractors neglect each of these tasks. There’s nothing wrong with being a contractor; however, it’s a more demanding lifestyle, and it’s harder to earn a sustainable income.

Roofing Companies

Roofing companies have a brand, plain and simple. When consumers see their logo, truck, or website, they immediately feel a sense of credibility. While no roofer can achieve this overnight, you can take steps to expand your contractor business into a full-fledged roofing company gradually.

Roofing Contractors

Roofing contractors are stuck in the gig economy, going job to job without expanding. Getting leads is more difficult as a contractor since you have to pitch your skills to the customer every time. For contractors, landing jobs drains energy because you are the one who is always trying to convince.

How To Become a Roofing Company

As a contractor, you might think I don’t have enough employees or locations to be a company. That’s not true. Any roofer can turn themselves into a company because it’s not about size or scope. A company is about credibility, brand, and perception. You can do it.


Roofers build credibility through proper marketing with SEO, web design, and reputation management. The truth is, nobody knows how good of a roofer you are. You might be an exceptionally skilled third-generation roofer, but if your competitors outperform you online, it doesn’t matter.


Branding your roofing company starts with marketing. Consumers should see original photos of your team, staff, and equipment online. Aside from your website, you also should brand your Google Business Profile and attempt to increase the number of customer reviews on Google and Yelp.


How you view yourself is not necessarily how consumers view your business. Even roofers coming from a family business must understand that times have changed. Building your perception starts with marketing and online promotion. Invest in SEO for roofers, digital marketing, etc.

How Marketing Creates Roofing Companies

When you need a roofing lead, your options depend on your investments. Without a website, Google Business Profile, or online reviews, contractors have to reach out to 3rd-party lead generation sources. These companies have a brand that customers trust more than you.

Roofing companies have a website, Google Business Profile, and online reviews, which gives them a much better option. These roofers get leads on their own digital assets, allowing them to enjoy a consistent stream of high-quality leads.

In addition, they don’t need the 3rd-party brand, which means they don’t have to pay them or help them further expand their brand.


A website is essential, and personalization is equally vital. Your homepage should show photos of your owners, company, and staff. Also, your logo should be apparent and memorable. A custom website is critical to online marketing. Every roofing website should be fast and user-friendly.

Google Business Profile

A Google Business Profile, formerly Google My Business, helps customers find your business locally. Roofers with a profile can rank on Google’s Local 3-Pack, which appears over organic results for local service queries. In addition, you can upload photos and complete your profile to optimize your listing.

Online Reviews

Your online reputation is one of the most critical elements of online success. You should attempt to get more reviews on Google, Yelp, Facebook, and other platforms to enhance your reputation, credibility, and trust. Most consumers won’t use any roofing company before reading reviews.

Posted: | Updated: Mar 27, 2024 | Categories: Podcast |