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Roofing Marketing Statistics

Interest in roofing marketing has increased in recent years.

The emergence of AI integration and marketing-based SaaS tools has introduced a new emphasis on promotional strategy.

Below, we will outline the top roofing marketing statistics and how they impact professionals across the United States.

Essential Roofing Marketing Statistics

  • 70% of roofing companies are unhappy with their SEO provider
  • 98% of roofing website content generates zero traffic
  • Google changes its algorithm 4,500 times per year
  • Long tail or hidden search terms account for over 50% of organic traffic
  • Less than 30% of roofers are leveraging AI in marketing

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Skepticism of the SEO Industry

70% of roofing companies are unhappy with their SEO provider

Roofing companies’ trust in the SEO industry has waned over time, as more than two-thirds are now unhappy with their providers.

Reasons for this shift include a low barrier to entry into the marketing industry and various platforms on which to spread misinformation.

Also, the rise of high-pressure one-call-close sales tactics in the digital marketing industry has generated more long-term agreements that contractors quickly regret.

SEO Provider Satisfaction Graph

98% of roofing website content generates zero traffic

Agencies are incentivized to sell content to roofing companies because it is a tangible deliverable.

However, 98% of website content on roofing websites gets zero traffic.

With this in mind, a contractor’s monthly retainer to digital marketing agencies is for 2% of their output.

Pages That Generate Traffic Graph

Unpredictability of Algorithm

Google changes its algorithm 4,500 times per year

Because Google changes its algorithm an average of 12 times per day and 4,500 times per year, it’s difficult to project long-term ROI.

This is especially true for roofing websites that rely heavily on grey-hat marketing practices that are vulnerable to each algorithm update.

Cumulative Google Algorithm Changes Throughout the Year

Long tail or hidden search terms account for over 50% of organic traffic

As much time and resources as roofers and marketers spend on trying to rank for specific keywords, over 50% of organic traffic comes from long-tail or hidden terms.

These terms don’t appear in keyword research tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Google Search Console.

The statistics align with Google’s public request for content made for people and not search engines, such as photos and descriptions of recent roofing projects, which naturally include long-tail search terms.

Long Tail Hidden Terms Graph

Adoption of AI

Less than 30% of roofers are leveraging AI in marketing

Although AI has dominated marketing-related headlines for over a year, less than 30% of roofers currently leverage it in their campaigns.

When roofers have used AI, it’s typically ineffective. For example, some companies have mass-produced blog posts with ChatGPT and other large-language models, violating Google’s recent guidelines.

Understanding the nuances of prompt fine-tuning, data leveraging, and operational efficacy will help roofers better leverage AI in their future marketing endeavors.

AI Marketing Graph

Statistical Data Sources

Roofing Webmasters has access to a decade’s worth of internal marketing data.

Additionally, we’ve referenced other credible sources across the marketing landscape: