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We’re Bringing SEO Back | Roofing SEO Podcast

Does SEO really mean what you think it does? Jason and Nolen explain how ignorance and misinformation lead many roofing companies astray during online marketing. If any of these real-world stories sound familiar, it might be time to reconsider how you search for marketing services!

Key Takeaways For Roofing Professionals

  • Inaccurate preconceptions prevent businesses from finding SEO services they really need.
  • The amount of money spent on a poorly-performing website template does not make it better.
  • Pretty websites don’t always make successful (sales-driving) sites.

What is Real SEO?

Marketing is an ever-shifting, bustling industry. As much of the consumer world transitions into online search for their day-to-day needs, roofing companies look to Google to find their customers. Most savvy business owners understand a few basic facts:

  • They need a website, 
  • They need to advertise online, and
  • They need to optimize for Google. 

If you’ve already grasped these marketing truths, your business is already doing better than many roofing companies out there. Unless you have years of search marketing research under that tool belt however, there’s still a long road between your company and a successful online marketing strategy. That’s why the vast majority of roofing firms turn to agencies to guide their progress. The only problem is:

How do you find a real SEO company that actually knows their stuff?

Real SEO (search engine optimization) focuses on crafting a website that blends superior keyword rankings with a smooth visitor experience. Numerous elements go into this process, including web design, keyword research, schema coding, and citation management. Even a quick Google search of “roofing SEO” however, reveals that dozens of businesses offer SEO services for the industry.

An Example of a Balanced Roofing Website
Quality SEO Balances Custom Web Design With Extensive Keyword Strategy and Coding.

A Dangerous Truth About Most “SEO Companies”

Unfortunately, most roofing SEO companies have no idea what they’re doing. Still more claim to provide search engine optimization but provide little in the way of actual SEO. What you’ll find instead are…

  • PPC Campaign Management Firms
  • Cheap Website Developers (without search experience)
  • Expensive Website Developers (also without search experience)
  • Social Media Marketing Agencies
  • Lead Sellers
  • Marketing Software Companies

Some of these agencies truly offer valuable solutions for earning roofing sales. Others have no clue what they’re doing, but can easily talk their way through sales calls. Again, very few provide real solutions in the way of SEO. From an outside perspective, that might not seem like a big deal. However, the difference could end up costing your business years of setbacks and thousands of wasted marketing dollars.

Why Does SEO Even Matter?

Quality SEO solutions tend to take time (usually a few months) to produce results, but the results last. These solutions generate a steady stream of local consumers coming into your website and contacting your business. Consumers also tend to return with greater frequency, at a significantly lower cost than if you tried to buy them through a lead seller. Revenue opportunities only grow over time as both Google and consumers learn to recognize your company brand.

In short: SEO offers cheaper leads, more sales, and more sustained revenue over time. 

Roofing contractors with a real SEO company will happily share their success stories (unless you’re a local competitor, of course). In fact, it’s a wise practice to look up high-ranking roofing companies outside of your service area and see who their marketing company is. You’ll find their brands listed in the top of local map packs and organic search results!

Google Analytics Traffic Data
A Productive SEO Company Will Happily Share Your Site Analytics Data!

Getting Sidetracked

Once you find a capable SEO service provider, don’t let go. We’ve witnessed too many businesses jump into marketing with great enthusiasm, only to bail out a month or two later. They usually fall into one of two tragic stories:

  • The roofers attributed their success to their own abilities.
  • A competing marketer talked the roofer into switching.

If your company enjoys sweet success from a certain SEO marketing company, why leave? Thankfully, there are ways to confirm whether or not your company is providing worthwhile results. Chart the number of leads you earn each month. Compare your numbers with those from last year and the year before. Examine your Google Analytics dashboard and see how many site visitors originate from Google Search!

At Roofing Webmasters, we’re always happy to walk through your Analytics and chart your progress. Is your company willing to prove their worth? If not, we’d love to talk with you about your company SEO needs! Give our team a call at (800) 353-5758 for a free consultation.

Posted: | Updated: Mar 27, 2024 | Categories: Podcast |