Writing an effective roofing company business description can increase engagement and produce more sales. When people hire a roofing business, they want to trust the company.
After all, these people will come into their homes to perform repairs or assessments.
Unfortunately, as a roofing business owner, you won’t have the time to meet face-to-face with all your customers and have a conversation with them. That’s where a roofing business description comes in.
Your roofing business description (usually contained on your website’s “About Us” page) is your chance to tell a broad swath of customers and potential customers what your business is all about.
But how do you write the perfect roofing business description? Roofing Webmasters outlines the process below.

What is a Roofing Company Business Description?
A roofing business description provides a general overview of your company and highlights unique facts about your business.
Typically, a description reveals the owner’s name and top-level employees who represent the business in public forums.
How To Write a Good Roofing Business Description
Make a Connection
Think about an instance in which you were meeting a person for the first time. What did you try to do to break the ice? You probably started asking questions about the other person or talking about yourself to find similarities.
You may have brought up your favorite type of food, favorite TV show, where you went to school and things like that.
Why? Because finding similarities is a way to establish a connection with someone. People want to feel a connection to someone they hire to work on their roof.
That’s why so many people want to see the About page of a business first. The About page is where you share your business’s story and establish a connection.
This connection makes it easier for someone to trust your business and services.
Solve a Problem
A lot of small businesses make the mistake of glorifying their company in their business description. While you should start with basic information about your company, the focus should be on solving the visitor’s problem.
As a roofing company, you can fix a leaking roof or replace missing shingles. However, it’s also a good practice to think back to some of the questions you’ve frequently heard from customers and which services you often perform.
Start your description with a brief explanation of how your business can solve a problem.
Here is an example of an intro to a roofing business description that includes basic business info and gets into the customer’s problem:
"JJ Roofing has been repairing roofs in Madison, Wisconsin, for over 20 years. Our mission is to resolve your roofing issue promptly."
Notice that the above example mentions the company name, the service area, and how long the company has been in business.
Those are all essential elements in your roofing business description intro. However, describing the problem you can solve for the customer is equally important.
In the case of the above example, we see that JJ roofing can resolve roofing issues quickly.
Share Business Values
We talked about making a connection with your customers. That can be easier said than done, though. One good way to establish a relationship is to describe your company’s values in your business description.
For instance, if you emphasize low prices, talk about it.
Likewise, if your company is known for speedy work, mention it in your business description. Be honest, too.
The odds are that no matter what your business values are, they will resonate with at least one group of consumers.
After you have mentioned your company’s basic information and its problem for the consumer, it’s time to start describing your business values.
Here’s an example of a company that values transparent pricing:
"We know how hard it can be to find a contractor that does quality work at an affordable price. That's why we take the time to go over our invoices with our customers. Transparent pricing is important to us because that's what we would expect of anyone we hire."
The most important part of the above example is that last sentence. That’s where you make your connection.
You are telling the reader a little about yourself and your preferences so that someone could read that and think, “I expect transparent pricing, too.”
Humanizing your company begins to put a face to it that the customer can trust. Notice that the above example also has a conversational tone.
Understanding a struggle makes your company more relatable – like you’ve been in the same situation that the reader has also been in before.
Tell Your Story
After you have described your business values, you can tell your company’s story. Of course, you may not have a fantastic story to tell, and that’s okay.
Storytelling is an excellent opportunity to share your passion for what you do.
Here’s an example of a company story:
"Our roofing company was established in 2001, a time when Madison was ripe with roofing busiensses in a 20 mile radius" However we knew (from firsthand experience) that few of those roofing contractors took time to explain their work and complex invoices to local customers. Our goal was to fill the need for personal touch and empathy, and 20 years later, we've reached our goal, and continue to strive to sustain it."
There is nothing dramatic about this story. There’s no tragedy or talk of a special impromptu meeting of roofing experts who decided to start a business together.
If you have a fantastic story like that, talk about it by all means.
The point is that you don’t have to have a fantastic story to tell to resonate with your customer base.
Notice that the above example goes on to talk about the company value of transparent pricing. It even shows the reader which principles your company best represents.
Avoid Salesmanship
We know it sounds unintuitive, but your roofing business description is not your opportunity to sell to your readers. So don’t mention any special promotions or anything like that.
While you should have a call to action or two on your About Us page, the main point is not to make a sale.
If you properly avoid sales talk, you are more likely to make a sale, which is ironic.
However, customers who feel comfortable with your roofing company are more likely to invest in your services, and comfort comes from feeling unpressured by your presentation.
Too many roofing websites ignore user experience to bombard visitors with sales offers.
Of course, a coupon or discount code can help convert customers on the fence, but it’s not going to appeal to someone just browsing around.
You have first to establish a trust to make a sale.
Ultimately, your customers have a need that you can address. However, some competitors can handle that same need.
So the question becomes, which company does the prospect feel most comfortable paying? If you write the correct business description, it’s most likely going to be yours.
Next Steps for Your Business Description
Once you craft the perfect description of your roofing business, it’s time to publish it on all of your main assets.
For example, insert the description onto your website, Google Business Profile, and various other directory listings.
Taking this step ensures the impact of your description is maximized through marketing.
If you require assistance with your SEO, website, citations, or reputation management, reach out to Roofing Webmasters.