Roofing company video marketing is essential to your company’s online promotion. At Roofing Webmasters, we know this first-hand, based on our experience crafting digital marketing campaigns for thousands of roofing companies over the past decade-plus.
With the emergence of YouTube and WordPress YouTube Embeds, videos have become essential to roofing company websites. Videos can help improve your SEO, as detailed in our search engine optimization guide for 2024.
The following post outlines the video marketing process for roofers.
What Roofers Need to Know:
- Video Marketing is Essential for Roofers
- Videos Increase Conversions by 80%
- Roofers Can Distribute Videos on Social Media
- On-Site YouTube Embeds Increase Dwell Time
Table of Contents
What is Roofing Video Marketing?
Video marketing for roofers is the act of using video content to market or promote your roofing company’s service, brand, or product.
In 2024, YouTube is the most prominent video marketing platform through which roofers can also self-host videos on their website and distribute them to various other channels.
Publishing Roofing Company Videos Online
Recording a video with your smartphone or camera is easier than ever. Most contractors have video cameras on their phones, allowing them to produce videos of their team on the job and in the office.
Technology has given almost everyone access to video recording equipment, which they can utilize at any time for their business.
But once you record videos on your device, where can you publish them for promotional purposes?
The largest video platform in the world is YouTube. It is also owned by Google and, therefore, tied directly into their search results. When someone types in a phrase like how to get into commercial roofing, you’ll notice that our video of the same name is displayed on page one of organic search results:
You can do the same for your website if you want to publish on-site video content.
Another great platform for video is Facebook. Like YouTube, Facebook has a native video upload so you can upload the file directly to the Facebook servers and publish it on your business page. It’s good to diversify your video files, but it’s also good to share them.
In other words, if you already have the video uploaded on YouTube, sharing it on Facebook could help it get more views. You might select a different video as a Facebook exclusive.
You can cut your video into 15-second clips and upload them on Instagram. Fifteen seconds is the maximum length, so they can be shorter if necessary.
While you shouldn’t expect a video about roofing services to go viral on a platform populated primarily by sensationalists, it does help your social media signals. It can have an overall positive influence on your site.
Vimeo offers unique SEO value for roofing companies with promotional video content. Unlike YouTube, embedded Vimeo video videos automatically markup your iframe with indexifembedded rule as instructed by Google.
Google can properly index videos on your roofing company website while identifying chapters and key moments.
Website (Self-Hosted)
Roofing companies can publish self-hosted videos directly on their website. WordPress makes this easy with its media upload feature and allows web admins to embed video files wherever appropriate throughout the site.
However, be careful about overloading your website with video files since it can potentially slow down your website’s loading time and negatively influence user experience.
The Video Marketing Process for Roofers
It helps companies know precisely how video marketing occurs from start to finish. While some roofers naturally understand modern technology, others need help with the step-by-step process.
Roofing Webmasters can help you outline the entire video marketing sequence.
We have a production set inside our offices for roofers with no videos. We invite you to cut a video, maybe even a podcast, and allow us to distribute them through all the appropriate channels.
Distribution helps build more media signals for your roofing company and increase your Google brand’s visibility, which should help boost search rankings.
If you have existing videos, including drone shots, we will chop up your video and distribute it through multiple channels, including YouTube and other social media.
We will then integrate it onto your website. Our in-house video specialist will ensure that your video is edited professionally and appeals to customers who visit your social media and website.
Website Integration
The trick to video marketing is integrating it into your SEO strategy. We do this by embedding your YouTube video on a relevant page or blog post on your website.
We then write original content that describes the video. Note that this is NOT a transcription but a summary of the video. Summaries make for an excellent content enhancer that should appeal to Google and its users.
Advantages of Video Content for Roofing Websites
Last year, online videos accounted for an estimated 80% of all consumer internet traffic. That number is astounding, and its implications will be substantial, if not industry-altering.
Consumers interact well with visual content; statistics show that video is the most likely content medium to catch users’ attention.
Considering our society’s increasingly dwindling attention span, this perfectly aligns with a common-sense approach.
- Conversion: Video content can help convert a visitor into a customer
- Engagement: Video is proven to engage users at a higher rate than text and even images
- Link Building: Integrating YouTube videos within HTML helps build quality backlinks
- SEO: Video content ranks high on search results for specific keywords
The inclusion of video within website HTML is a completely white-hat SEO methodology. There is no downside to using video on your homepage or any other page if it is appropriately placed and relevant to the topic.
Chances are roofing customers will choose to watch a video before reading blocks of text. It is more convenient for them to learn about your company and services. Some may
Merging YouTube With Your Roofing Website
There are several ways to host video content on your website. You can do it natively, directly on your server, or host it on YouTube or Vimeo and simply embed the corresponding code within your site’s HTML. Vimeo automatically adds markup to videos using Google’s preferred indexifembedded tag.
Self-hosting takes up coveted space on your server and can actually slow down page loading times. In contrast, embeds are much more straightforward, intuitive, and user-friendly.
YouTube integration also promotes growth on multiple platforms. Follow the steps below to embed YouTube clips within your website.
- Step 1: Navigate To Your YouTube Video
- Step 2: Click On “Share”
- Step 3: Click On “Embed”
- Step 4: Copy HTML Code
- Step 5: Paste HTML Code Within Your Website
This process is considerably easier when using WordPress as your content management system. WordPress supports widgets where HTML code can be pasted and placed anywhere on your page layout.
The best option is to invest in professional web design to ensure a clean and effective merger of YouTube videos within your website HTML. Roofing Webmasters is the design team for the job and is ready and willing to help you get started ASAP.
Next Steps for Video Marketing
Access to high-quality cameras (through modern smartphones) allows roofing companies to start their video marketing journey immediately. Simply film your staff at your next roofing job and conduct basic edits using a free video editing tool.
Once you get over the initial hurdle of “just doing it,” you’ll realize how valuable video content can become for your digital marketing campaign. When the time comes to fully integrate video into a professional-level marketing strategy, contact an agency like Roofing Webmasters for help.