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5 Steps for Choosing a Roofing Company Domain Name

Roofing Company Domain Name

Some companies overlook the importance of choosing the right domain name for their website. Roofing domain names can make a monumental difference in how effectively your website is marketed to consumers in 2024.

Too many roofers choose their domain name on a whim, diminishing its importance. Don’t be one of these people. A domain name contributes to your brand recognition, SEO, and lead generation potential.

By taking the duty of choosing a suitable domain name lightly, you lower the ceiling on your roofing company’s long-term success.

Choosing a Roofing Company Domain Name

Source: https://instantdomainsearch.com/

1) Keep it Simple

The most popular websites have concise domain names. Think Google, Facebook, Yelp, Amazon, and others. As a result, when choosing a roofing company domain name, remember to keep it simple. 

The average human memory span (for a number of words or numbers) is only 7. The fact is that people can’t remember long domain names or ones with a bunch of words in them.

For example, gutierrezprofessionalroofing.com is longer than abchomeroofservice.com, but the former presents fewer words to remember.

The ideal roofing company domain name will limit the number of words AND characters.

2) Maintain Brand Consistency

A domain name is part of your roofing company’s branding. People will trust a brand they recognize. So, domain names consistent with brands perform better online. In fact, consistent branding increases revenue by a healthy 33%

When selecting your domain name, choose one that includes your company name. For example, if your company name is “Quality Roofing,” your domain name is qualityroofing.com.

Of course, this isn’t always possible because many domain names are already taken. Still, you can throw in specific keywords to differentiate yourself.

For example, you can add the city you operate to form a more unique URL of qualityroofinghouston.com.

3) Avoid Special Characters

Special characters within a domain name reflect poorly on your brand and reduce consumer trust.

Not only are these characters a nightmare to manually enter on mobile browsers but they are typically associated with spam websites like gambling and pharmaceuticals.

For roofers new to digital marketing, it can be an easy mistake to make.

For example, when qualityroofing.com is taken, the natural reaction is to choose quality-roofing.com as a substitute. 

But now that you know about the negative connotation, you can avoid this costly mistake.

4) Consider Keywords

When your best-branded options for domain names are taken, you can add a keyword to differentiate.

For instance, if your company name is “Morris Roofing” and the domain name morrisroofing.com is taken, try adding a keyword that aligns with your business, like “tile,” “specialty,” or “commercial.”

For example, morrisspecialtyroofing.com or morriscommercialroofing.com.

A keyword adds to the length of your domain name but may also provide a slight boost in SEO. You have to be careful about it, though. A keyword is only useful when combined with your brand like “Morris.”

Also, only select keywords indicative of your primary services as you will attract these types of customers more quickly.

5) Check your Domain Name

Receiving a cease and desist order is much more frustrating than discovering that your first-choice domain name is unavailable.

That’s why you should cross-reference your intended domain name with the United States Patent and Trademark Office before making a final decision. 

It’s a good idea to check your roofing company domain name against other databases and be on the safe side.

Consult with online databases to ensure your domain name is not already a legal entity of a competitor.