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Google Maps for Roofers (Rank on Map 3-Pack)

My agency, Roofing Webmasters, provides Google Maps optimization services for roofers. Over the past decade, I’ve worked with thousands of roofers and seen them generate high-quality leads from placement within Google Maps and Google’s Map 3-Pack.

I’m Nolen Walker, the founder of Roofing Webmasters. Throughout my tenure, I’ve witnessed dozens of major Google algorithm updates. The one consistent theme is that roofing companies that secure placement on Google Maps continually acquire new local customers.

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Google Maps SEO for Roofers

Google Maps search results are based on a separate algorithm from Google’s traditional organic results. With this in mind, a unique approach is required to rank your local roofing company on Google Maps and the Google Map 3-Pack.

With over a decade of first-hand experience optimizing Google My Business listings for rankings on Google Maps, I’ve developed a proven strategy for roofers to maximize their local visibility. I even invested millions in software made for Google Maps rankings. It’s called DataPins: The Map Ranking app.

Google Maps Benefits for Roofing Companies

Google Maps and Google’s Map 3-Pack account for nearly 50% of all online engagement with local roofing companies. Given this, the benefit of doubling your engagement should be most prominent in your marketing strategy.

There are also several other benefits of Google Maps optimization, which I will outline below:

Lead Generation

Like other digital marketing channels, Google Maps’ appeal to roofing companies is its lead generation potential. Roofers can generate high-quality leads from high-conversion prospects by ranking for roofing keywords on Google Maps and the Map 3-Pack.

Website Clicks

Roofing companies can connect their website URLs to their Google Business Profile listing. Now, when users find your business through Google Maps, they can click through to your website. Google Business Profile insights (their analytics platform) will track the number of website clicks that come through GBP.

Google Reviews

Consumers who find your roofing business on Google Maps will also see the reviews associated with your listing. This becomes an advantage for companies with many customer reviews (which typically coincides with high Google Maps rankings).

Local Authority

Although most roofers are service area businesses (SABs) who travel to multiple cities to perform roofing projects, many consumers still possess an inherent bias toward “local businesses.” By appearing prominently on Google Maps in your primary city, you can earn local authority status for residents.

How To Add Your Business to Google Maps

To set up a Google Maps listing, review the process below:

  1. 1. Open Google Maps: Sign in to Google on your computer and visit Google Maps
  2. 2. Find Your Location: Zoom into the map of your business location and click “send feedback.”
  3. 3. Add Your Business: Click “add missing place” and drag the marker to the location as mentioned earlier
  4. 4. Complete Information: Add relevant business information and click “submit.”

Google Maps Business Search

Optimizing Multiple Google Maps Locations

Some roofing companies expand to new locations after initial marketing success. In these cases, you’ll want to claim and verify additional Google Maps locations.

Remember, you are only eligible for additional Google Maps locations if you operate a second registered business entity. You cannot open a second Google Maps location simply because you operate in multiple service areas.

Optimizing your main website for multiple locations can be tricky, depending on how far apart your businesses are. With my decade of experience, I help roofing companies solve this optimization puzzle.

Get Started With Google Maps Optimization

My Roofing Webmasters team has 10+ years of experience optimizing Google Business Profiles for Google Maps SEO. Personally, I’ve been in the digital marketing industry for over 15 years.

Each of my clients receives a custom SEO-optimized website that connects with their Google Business listing, powering the profile to rank for thousands of keyword variations on Google Maps.

You can contact my agency for a free consultation where I’ll evaluate your existing Google Maps placement (if you have one) and provide context and insights for how my services can assist your company with Google Maps SEO.